Diablo 4 – Season 1 Completion Cheats

Diablo 4 how-to

Cheats to get you through Season 1 faster in Diablo 4.

Tree of Whispers Cheat – Chapter 3

The first one is related to Tree of Whispers caches where you can drop the same cache 10 times so you really only need to fill the bar one time.

Example of Cache you need to drop 10 times
Afterwards, you should see the Quest complete banner
Congrats, you’ve completed the quest!

For more info, check out this video on reddit.

World Boss Cheat – Chapter 7

This cheat is for the world boss in Chapter 7, where you have to defeat 15 world bosses.

If you log out after you kill the world boss, and log back in, you will likely get another instance where the world boss hasn’t been killed yet, and get a second completion, and potentially a third if you are lucky. Just keep logging in until you see “world event joined” on the title bar!

This is what you’re looking for in the title bar


Hope these cheats to get you through Season 1 faster in Diablo 4 are helpful, let us know if you know of any other secret tips or tricks or “cheats” in the comments below!

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